
… in Journals

Photonic Signal Processing for Phase-Agnostic Coherent Optical Reception
ΦPU – A Photonic Processing Unit for Heterogeneous Optical Networks
Detector-On-Demand Architecture for Flexible Homodyne Transmission in Optical Networks
Full-Duplex mmWave Radio-over-Fiber Architecture with Simplified Photonic Frequency Translation
Towards an All-Silicon QKD Transmitter Sourced by a Ge-on-Si Light Emitter
Single-Carrier, Single-λ Full-Duplex Analog Radio Feed over a Single-Port RRH Transceiver (Top-Scored Paper)
Reclaiming Light Dropped During Optical Modulation to Bias Avalanche Photodetectors
SOA-REAM Assisted Synaptic Receptor for Weighted-Sum Detection of Multiple Inputs (Top-Scored Paper)
Chip-Level GHz Capable Balanced Quantum Homodyne Receivers
Photonic Delay Processing with Centralized Etalon Cascade for Radio Beamsteering in Simplified 2×5 Phased-Array Radio Heads
Coherent EML+TIA Detector for DSP-Free 1 Gb/s/λ Reception Over Extended Budget
Simplified Coherent Synaptic Receptor for Filterless Optical Neural Networks
Simplified Coherent Receiver for Analogue Radio Transmission over High Optical Budgets
Analogue Coherent-Optical Mobile Fronthaul with Integrated Photonic Beamforming
High Rate CV-QKD Secured Mobile WDM Fronthaul for Dense 5G Radio Networks
Electroabsorption-Modulated Laser as Optical Transmitter and Receiver: Status and Opportunities (Review)
Towards Integrating True Random Number Generation in Coherent Optical Transceivers
Face-to-Face EML Transceiver Tandem for Full-Duplex Analogue Radio-over-Air
Towards an All-Silicon QKD Transmitter Sourced by a Ge-on-Si Light Emitter
Synchronized Wavelength-Swept Signal Transmission and its Ability to Evade Optical Reflection Crosstalk
Simple Laser Transmitter Pair as Polarization-Independent Coherent Homodyne Detector
Analogue Coherent TDMA Receiver with Fast Locking to Free-Running Optical Emitters (Top-Scored Paper)
Photonic Add-Drop-Gate Node Element Based on EML Technology

… at Conferences

FPA Beamforming for Alignment-Tolerant FSO QKD Links
Energy / Footprint Efficient Photonic Signal Processing of Raw Photocurrents in Phase-Agnostic Coherent Receiver
Optical Signal Recovery for Phase-Agnostic Coherent Reception
Detector-On-Demand for Flexible Homodyne Transmission
Large-Core Optics for Simplified Short-Range FSO Links
Photonic Frequency Translation with EML+TIA Enabled Down-Converting Receiver
Full-Duplex Coherent Analogue mm-wave RoF Transmission with Simplified RRH and Photonic Down-Conversion of Uplink
Simplified Polarization-Encoding for BB84 QKD Sourced by Incoherent Light of a Silicon Emitter
Turning Zero-Bits of Parallel Interconnects into Optical Budget: Biasing APDs through Dumped Power
Towards an All-Silicon DV-QKD Transmitter Sourced by a Ge-on-Si Light Emitter
Alignment-Tolerant Fi-Wi-Fi Free-Space Optical Bridge
Polarization-Encoded BB84 QKD Transmitter Sourced by a SiGe Light Emitter
Duobinary-Coded Coherent ΣΔ Radio-over-Fiber Transmission at 9 GHz Downlink Channel Spacing
Reclaiming High-Voltage APD Biases From Dropped Optical Data Signals of Multi-Lane Interconnects
From Intra-Datacenter Interconnects to Metro Networks: Does CV-QKD Need Loss- or Bandwidth-Conscious Receivers?
FM-CW LiDAR for Proximity Sensing Applications Integrating an Alignment-Tolerant FSO Data Channel
Balanced APD homodyne receiver for quantum applications
WDM-Conscious Synaptic Receptor Assisted by SOA+EAM (Top-Ranked)
Radio Beamsteering for a 2×5 Remote Radio Head Assisted by a Shared Wideband Etalon Cascade
Hybrid CAP / mm-wave OFDM Vector Modulation for Photonic Frequency Conversion in a Single-Sideband Feeder
First Demonstration of a Single-λ, Full-Duplex RRH Transceiver with Single RF Carrier for Bidirectional Radio (Top-Ranked)
Ultra-Low Noise Balanced Receiver with >20 dB Quantum-to-Classical Noise Clearance at 1 GHz
Hybrid Analogue / Digitized Radio-over-Fibre Downlink Through Orthogonal Optical mm-Wave and 10 Gb/s Baseband Transport
Broadband Balanced Homodyne Detector for High-Rate (>10 Gb/s) Vacuum-Noise Quantum Random Number Generation
Simplified Synaptic Receptor for Coherent Optical Neural Networks
Quantum RNG Integration in an NG-PON2 Transceiver
Simplified Coherent Receiver for Zero-Touch Wireless Integration in Power-Splitting ODN with >40 dB Budget
Coherent Homodyne Synaptic Interconnect with Sign- and Weight-Tunable Detection
Analogue Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul with UDWDM-based Delay Dissemination for Photonic-Assisted RF Beam Steering
True Random Number Generation in an Optical I/Q Modulator
Locking Dynamics of an Analogue Coherent TDMA Receiver for Many-to-Any Network Architectures
Spectrally-Shaped Continuous-Variable QKD Operating at 500 MHz Over an Optical Pipe Lit by 11 DWDM Channels
Coherently Sub-Grouped µDC-Pod and -Interconnect with Analogue EML Transceivers Operated in TDMA
Coherent Homodyne TDMA Receiver Based on TO-can EML for 10 Gb/s OOK with <40 ns Guard Interval
Can we transfer analogue coherent optics of access networks to the realm of datacenters?
Full-Duplex, Polarisation-Independent Coherent Homodyne EML Transceiver
EML Transmitter as Coherent Monitor for Distributed Spectrum Snooping
Radio-over-Air with a Face-to-Face EML Transceiver Pair